Jumbo handMADE Lollipops
Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Yield: 16 Jumbo Lollipops
My son Frith is allergic to tree nuts, peanuts, sesame and coconut so I try to cook his food, from scratch, as often as possible. It’s extraordinary how many packaged food items contain one of his allergens and when it comes to candy, fuhgeddaboudit! I created this lollipop recipe for his school bake sale and I’m proud to say that not only is it safe for Frith but for people with most any common food allergy. In addition to not using any food coloring, this yummy lolli is also:
Tree Nut and Peanut Free
Gluten Free
Egg Free
Dairy Free
Soy Free
Sesame Free
Coconut Free
Plus, when you give it to a child, who has life threatening food allergies, you’ll inevitably hear “I can have that!!!!”. 😍🍭
It’s simply Flaweless.
Jumbo Allergy-Aware Lollipops
I’m going strawberry flavored here but you can substitute with really anything you like!
3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup water
1 cup light corn syrup
3/4 teaspoon of allergy safe strawberry extract. I trust Nielsen-Massey brand for extracts
1 teaspoon dry strawberry powder. I use Eco Taste brand as it is 100% organic strawberry and tastes Devine.
Line two cookie sheets with silicone mats and set aside with 20 long lollipop sticks.
In a large, clean and dry pot over medium-high heat, gently add sugar (to center) and water (around edges) while being carful not to splash any sugar granuals up the interior sides of the pot.
Add corn syrup by pouring it in the center of the pot and allowing it to spread to the edges to meet the water.
Cook the mixture until it reaches hard-crack, 305 degrees F. You don't really need to stir the mixture as the eventual boiling motion is enough for candy making magic. But if it is feeling like it needs help combining, go ahead and give it a gentle stir with a wooden spoon or silicon spatula.
As the bubbling intensifies, attach a candy thermometer to the interior pot.
The moment the thermometer reaches 305 F, turn off the heat and stir in the strawberry extract.
Working quickly and carefully (as this is scalding hot liquid!) form 16 lollipops, two at a time:
Pour two 4” - 5” circles directly onto the silicone mat.
Dust surface of the circles with a few pinches of strawberry powder then quickly swirl the powder around using the tip of a lollipop stick.
Place the same lollipop stick into the lollipop about half way up and rotate it 360 degrees.
Allow the lollipops to cool and harden before lifting and packaging into a cellophane bag with ribbon.