Seek + Discover
How I Created My NYC Rooftop Garden
From nothing to an abundance, my garden is a daily reminder of the passage of time: life (in Spring/Summer) and death (in Fall/Winter).
Bourbon Apple Pie
Don’t tell granny, but we’re going to add some bourbon to this restaurant quality pie!
Keto Chocolate Coconut Almond Butter Squares
Snack Flawelessly during quarantine! Vegan and gluten-free dessert—perfect when you NEED chocolate!
How to Make a Blueberry Port Pie (the Flaweless Way)
The best part? Smooshing some of the fresh berries with your hands! Second place belongs to the butter you sprinkle on the surface.
Why I Celebrate My Birthday
Life is special. Take care of yourself and celebrate you! I am.
Feeding NYC's First Responders and Keeping TriBeCa Restaurants Alive
Feeding NYC's First Responders and Keeping TriBeCa Restaurants Alive