Flaweless Awe-Factor


You’re on the list! I’m so glad you’re here and I know you might be wondering: what exactly is the Flaweless Awe-Factor? Well, it is our exclusive newsletter that grants you VIP access to recipes, promotions, invites, announcements, videos, and three special welcome gifts below.

Together, we’ll discover joy and connection through food. We’ll bake, cook, eat, and drink together, and while doing so I’ll pass on so much of what I’ve learned running and owning restaurants for 20 years in NYC.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon! If you have any questions, never hesitate to ask.

Welcome Gifts

Hope you enjoyed your free video gift on how to make a sourdough starter from scratch!

Now presenting… How to make sourdough bread from your starter.

Click the bread image here, and happy baking!