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Why I Celebrate My Birthday

Let me start with this…

Thank you, Mom & Dad! Who I am, and all the abundance my life holds, begins with YOU. I won the lottery with you from day one!!

Why does my birthday mean more to me this year? My friend Cheryl recently sent me this picture above. It’s of my dear friend Carrie and I, 10 years ago. When I think about the last 10 years, my friendships with amazing people like Carrie, and all the memories we’ve shared B.C. (before “cids”) and after, I am deeply moved. My life has been extraordinary. I have learned and done so much. This birthday means more to me than ever because I am more present, than ever, that life is precious.

Being quarantined, due to Covid-19, has been a lot of things and I am grateful for all of it.

When this time is behind me, I will look back and long for the concentrated time with Frith and Jason. I will miss all the cooking (and even the cleaning), which has become a center of pride and joy in my home. I will miss the richness of the phone calls, text messages and video calls. And, I will be grateful for the memories created on this birthday at home.

I made this collage of pictures and with it a list of 45 lessons I’ve learned. There’s one for every precious year of my life. They are like the candles in my cake. #flaweless

45 Life Lessons from 45 Years

  1. Smile, at everyone.

  2. Question, question, question.

  3. Be kind, not nice.

  4. Respect the elderly and give them your time.

  5. Trust in science.

  6. Always give a joyous “Hello!” and smile when you enter.

  7. Make your bed.

  8. Be the best dressed person in the room.

  9. Never decline an opportunity to sing.

  10. Remove clutter.

  11. Get great sleep but when you can’t, get up and iron.

  12. Cook and bake.

  13. When you fire someone, be kind and make it quick.

  14. Exercise regularly.

  15. Make your husband feel like the sexiest man alive, cause he is.

  16. Make your child feel like he can do anything, cause he can.

  17. Put a large glass of water by your bedside each night, and be sure it’s gone before you get up.

  18. Put lotion on after your shower, every day.

  19. Garden and grow plants.

  20. Host; at least once a week.

  21. Connect with your parents regularly, making sure to tell them how incredible they are.

  22. Study wine.

  23. Serve breakfast for dinner, every now and then.

  24. Sit in the sun; walk on the sunny side of the street.

  25. Choose to love rain. Choose to love winter.

  26. Choose your partner. Remember “This is the Life I Choose” is engraved in your wedding band.

  27. Be on time. Not just professionally, but personally as well.

  28. Stay in routine, but choose days to completely depart from your routine, too.

  29. Say/write “I love you” to everyone you love, regularly.

  30. Have movie nights and game nights.

  31. Picnic.

  32. Go to live theater, symphony, jazz, A LOT.

  33. Follow your instincts and believe you can.

  34. Eat well.

  35. Do your nails - toes and fingers.

  36. Regularly connect with your amazing siblings and friends.

  37. Lovingly depart from toxic and negative people.

  38. Say please and thank you.

  39. Travel. And when you do, don’t wear sweat pants on the airplane.

  40. If you can walk or bike instead of drive to a location, then do it.

  41. Embrace that you are funny.

  42. Learn something new each year. This year I am learning how to machine sew. #layanaaguilar

  43. Give thanks to your own “fire”, to Mother Nature, God, and the Universe.

  44. Recycle and compost.

  45. Know that your Flaweless - spelled wrong.

…and now I need 45 more!

Tell me one of your life lessons in the comments below.

Here’s to life!